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Adopt A Shar-Pei: This is the purpose of our organization. For more information on how to adopt from D.C.S.P.C.R., Inc., visit our FAQ’s Page.
Become A Foster Home: Foster homes are a vital part of D.C.S.P.R.. The number of dogs we can save is determined by the number of foster homes available. Our rescue will provide all required and routine veterinary care, including heartworm and flea prevention. Foster homes are asked to provide a warm and nurturing environment until a forever home can be found. For more information on fostering visit our FAQ’s Page or call (757) 393-4999.
Volunteer Your Time: Because our organization operates solely through the help of dedicated volunteers, the more volunteers we have, the more animals we can help. That’s where you come in. By volunteering just a few hours of your time, together we can achieve more. Some ways you can help are:
- Assist with monthly adoption fairs at local pet stores.
- Help organize and run fund raising events.
- Transport a dog, from a shelter, to the vet, to a foster home.
- Walk a foster dog.
- Groom a foster dog.
- Distribute educational and marketing materials.
- Clip coupons for dog food or treats.
- Host rescue photos with an information link on your website.
- Take photos of foster dogs for adoption flyers, the web, etc.
- Conduct a home visit or accompany a rescue person on the home visit.
- Assist another volunteer at vet appointments.
- Do your on-line shopping at www.iGive.com
- Make DCSPCR your sponsor organization, so that a portion of your purchase is donated to the Rescue.
- Write an article for our Rescue newsletter.
- Take a dog to obedience class.
- Visit a foster home once a week with your children and dogs to help socialize the foster dog.
- Help the foster home clean up the yard.
- Deliver special treats to our foster homes, vet clinics and other organizations that help rescue to show our appreciation.
- Lend your artistic talents to your Rescue’s newsletter, fundraising ideas, t-shirt designs.
- Go to local businesses and solicit donations for a club’s fund raising event.
- Provide post-adoption follow up or support.
Make A Donation: DCSPCR is an IRS registered 501(c)3 organization. All donations are considered tax deductible and greatly appreciated. If you would like make donation you may do so by mailing a contribution to D.C.S.P.C.R., Inc., PO Box 452, Portsmouth, VA 23705, or through Paypal:Pei Wish List: We realize that not every one can adopt, foster or volunteer, but you can still help. As a non-profit organization we rely heavily on donations. Financial donations, of course, are always helpful, but basic supplies are badly needed. Here’s just a short list of the items that we would be able to put to good use.
- Money or a gift certificate to a pet store
- Dog beds, towels, or other bedding type items
- Dog toys
- Dog crate, x-pen or baby gates
- Food/water dishes
- Dog treats or dog food
- Grooming supplies, pay for a dog to be professionally groomed
- Advantage, heartworm preventative, first aid kit
- Vet services
- Cleaning products, Nil-odor, trash bags, paper towels, bleach, laundry detergent, etc.
- Portable dog run
- Printer paper, envelopes and stamps
- Gently-used dog equipment
- Dog shelters
(757) 393-4999 • info@virginiasharpeirescue.org • D.C.S.P.C.R., Inc., PO Box 452, Portsmouth, VA 23705
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